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My Mt. Apo Journal

My heart is pounding fast. I could almost feel it going out from my ears. I am out of breath. Sweats dripping all over my body. I feel numb. My eyes blur that I need to blink it away. My legs tremble that I sometimes sway. I am walking but no longer thinking. Suddenly, I … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Once Upon A Climb

April 9, 2015. We arrived at D’ Counter Inn where a night accommodation and free breakfast are included in the tour package. It’s just a few steps away from People’s Park of Davao City. Around 6:30 pm, we had the chance to meet our tour guide Albert Gabriel and had our briefing. First impression? He … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Mt. Apo Scaled by Engineers from Holland,,,,

A group of young Engineers from Holland climb with us last February , 2015 which is our first time to be with most number of Dutch in one climb. The climb only took two days which we were able to camp in the 87 degrees camp site on day one and reach the summit of Mt. … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

All End’s Up at the Summit ,,,,,

August is one of the rainy months in the Philippines , but still Mt. Apo can be scaled during this times as long as typhoon will not hit Davao City.   Last year , we have organized Four (4) groups to climb Mt. Apo using Three(3) different trails and all reach the summit on the … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A German’s Quest for the 60th Summit in the World

Last October 11, 2014 I had the chance to climb with Markus Hogenschurz a German engineer whose passion of scaling every highest mountain in every country around the world . On this climb , it was his 60th Summit and it was an honor to climb with a seasoned climber like him to the roof … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

Bundokverein Girls,,,,An Unforgetable Experience

Mt Apo, the Philippines’ highest, has been an elusive mountain for me and my travel buddy, Nadine. We have been planning to climb it since 2012. And beginning of 2014, we planned to climb it in January, our birthday month. But there was bad weather at that time in Mindanao so we had to cancel … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Cliché Lessons on Climbing Mt. Apo

There will be bumps Just like any other special day that one waits and longs for, our rendezvous with Mount Apo wasn’t without bumps. In fact, it was met with lots. I almost missed my flight to Manila, which meant I would also miss the flight to Davao. J missed her flight back to work … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

A French Actor’s Impression….

“In the middle of the journey of my life I found myself lost in a dark forest And I had lost the right path… Oooooh, how could I describe this wild, thick and bitter place? …but, in fact there, after many ordeals, I found  Goodness, Beauty and the love of my life… “ Dante Alighieri, … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment

An Australian Article : My Mt. Apo Experience,,,,

I am a 58 year old Australian who found Albert Gabriel from a google search of climbing Mt Apo. I have just completed a 3 day climb of Mt.Apo and I have to say I am delighted at how well the climb was organised and I am happy to say I had an unforgettable experience. The varied terrain … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Tracing the Roots: A journey to Mt.Apo

  I’ve been blessed to be a part of a friendship that values the beauty and wonders of our motherland; to have the audacity to experience that thrills she can offer. Team masaya as we call ourselves have already visited most parts of the Philippines. One experience we will never forget is embarking to a … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments