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Tagged With: Philippine Mountain

Conquering Mt. Apo: A Thrilling Adventure to the Philippines’ Highest Peak

Embarking on an exhilarating journey to the summit of Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines, was an unforgettable adventure guided by Albert Gabriel of With 15 years of experience, Albert is a seasoned professional who expertly led us on this challenging yet rewarding trek via the east side of the mountain. This … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

First Time’s Always Exciting!

I always reminisce my first time experiences. What is it? Where did it happen? How was the experience? And it always boils down to one thing, the desire of doing such. J Well, everyone has their own versions of “things to do”, whether it be travelling around the world, pigging out at the most expensive … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Mt. Apo Scaled by Engineers from Holland,,,,

A group of young Engineers from Holland climb with us last February , 2015 which is our first time to be with most number of Dutch in one climb. The climb only took two days which we were able to camp in the 87 degrees camp site on day one and reach the summit of Mt. … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

All End’s Up at the Summit ,,,,,

August is one of the rainy months in the Philippines , but still Mt. Apo can be scaled during this times as long as typhoon will not hit Davao City.   Last year , we have organized Four (4) groups to climb Mt. Apo using Three(3) different trails and all reach the summit on the … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Climbing On Rainy Season 2012

The month of August marks the rainy season  in the Philippines, and here in Davao even though protected by the highest mountain in the Philippines(Mt. Apo) typhoon seldom enters the province it still experiences rain specially at night time and mountain climbing at this time has bigger chances that you would be wet. Luckily, last … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment