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Conquering Mt. Apo: A Thrilling Adventure to the Philippines’ Highest Peak

Embarking on an exhilarating journey to the summit of Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines, was an unforgettable adventure guided by Albert Gabriel of With 15 years of experience, Albert is a seasoned professional who expertly led us on this challenging yet rewarding trek via the east side of the mountain. This … Continue reading »

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Japanese Seasoned Trekkers Scale New Heights at Mt. Apo

On January 22, 2023,, Dream World Travel and Tours in collaboration with the Yamatakaze Team of 13 senior citizens from Japan, achieved a remarkable feat as two female trekkers, Ms. Chisiho Okada and Ms. Hiromi Matsumoto, became the oldest foreigners to conquer the summit of Mt. Apo at the age of 79. This awe-inspiring … Continue reading »

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Reflection of a Mt.Apo Hiker

It’s been a month since Mt. Apo and I’m currently in quarantine for COVID and I have plenty of time so let me tell you about the experience. Little stories are in the captions of each photo. All jokes aside, Mt. Apo was an incredible experience that each climber will have uniquely. My experience was … Continue reading »

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Age Does’nt Matter in Mt.Apo

It was early of 2019 when I was contacted by a Japanese mountaineer of the Nanjaku Mountaineering Club in the person Mr. Noboyuki Kihara that his group wanted to climb Mt. Apo on March 2019. Exchange of emails were done and we set the date on March 8-10,2019 with seven Japanese climbers of the mountaineering … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

My Mt. Apo Encounter at ’68

Hiking in and around my neck of the woods is something I do 3-4 times weekly if not more depending on the weather. Apart from this, I have hiked part of the Lycian Way & Babadag mountain in Turkey, the Palestinian desert, Camino de Santiago and in my own province, I have hiked the Juan de … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Mt. Apo’s Oldest Foreign Conqueror

In the past ten years, has brought people to Mt. Apo from all walks of life—of different nationalities, newbies and experienced trekkers alike, and people from all ages. This year, we made a new record. Ronald Candray, 76, summited Mt. Apo last February 11,2018 making him the oldest foreigner to climb via Sta. Cruz … Continue reading »

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Mt. Apo Traverse Climb @ 77…

Last March 30 2017, Mr. Tony Olarte, 67, a former guest who did his first climb to Mt.Apo with us last April 2014, made a call asking me to organize a climb for his group of 4 trekkers to do a traverse climb to Mt. Apo. Without hesitation I gave him the costing and climb … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment

First Time’s Always Exciting!

I always reminisce my first time experiences. What is it? Where did it happen? How was the experience? And it always boils down to one thing, the desire of doing such. J Well, everyone has their own versions of “things to do”, whether it be travelling around the world, pigging out at the most expensive … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Trekking Adventures Offered

Since the closure of Mt.Apo since summer of 2016 due to the Forrest Fire that happened last March 24 this year scouted some mountains to trek as alternative activity in the region. Below are some of the mountains that we offer for climbing(Click the photo for details): 1.Lake Holon Trekking   2.Mt Kitanglad-Dulang Traverse … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Mt. Apo, Tours, Trekking, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Three Sister’s Journey to the Roof of the Philippines

Being the tallest mountain in the Philippines, Mt. Apo attracts hikers from all over. When I told my sisters I wanted to go, they immediately volunteered to go with me. I was actually surprised since they are not regular hikers, and Mt. Apo only happened to be the tallest mountain in the Philippines. But they … Continue reading »

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